There is no doubt that lectronic cigarettes are the better alternative when it comes to smoking, and they are much better for the environment and our planet than traditional cigarettes are.
Tobacco cigarette butts account for a considerable amount of the world’s pollution problem. They are the most polluted item, and unfortunately they end up not only on city streets, but in nature, in parks, and just about everywhere people irresponsibly toss them, or get carried. They are not biodegradable, and as the butt breaks down, they continue to release chemicals into the environment they remain in. You know about all those thousands of undesirable chemicals that get put into cigarette butts? They don’t just magically disappear when cigarettes are used or thrown away. When they end up in puddles, lakes, streams, oceans, and other bodies of water, as well as the ground, those chemicals slowly leach out of them, creating an even larger pollution problem.
Another factor with cigarette butts is that as trash, they end up in the habitats of many animals throughout the world, and sadly, they end up being mistaken for trash and get consumed; creating a potentially deadly hazard to animals.
Starbuzz e-cigarettes are the better choice when debating between electronic and analog because are much gentler on the planet. They do not end up as waste as frequently, considering so many smokers go through a pack of 20 cigarettes in a day, all ending up in the trash, or even worse, in the environment. They allow users to control their consumption, without giving up the pleasure or the nicotine they want. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers also do not contain tobacco, or put others at risk of second hand smoke. They use high tech e-cig accessories to charge batteries, allowing the products to last longer, instead of creating more waste with lighters and burning through paper tubes.
It’s important to remember all of the ways you can do your part for a greater planet, everyday, to choose the better path. Starbuzz is proud to be a part of the e-cigarette movement, and proud to help people make better choices every day!